This Privacy Policy based on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) refers to the collection and processing of your personal data and the use of cookies on our websites owned by Cesar Servisi d.o.o., how we process, use and protect this data, in which purposes we use, as well as your rights related to your data.


Privacy of individuals and protection of personal data are human rights.

We have a duty of care for the individuals whose personal data we process and store. Data is a responsibility, and must be collected and processed only when absolutely necessary.

Cesar Servisi d.o.o. adheres to the following principles with the aim of protecting the privacy of individuals:

We do not collect more information than necessary
We do not use personal data for purposes other than those specified
We do not store personal data if it is no longer necessary
We never sell, lend, distribute or publicly release personal information
We do not send personal data to third parties without your knowledge
We do not use any automated processing and decision-making or profiling
We do not transfer personal data outside the EU/EEA
We continuously ensure that personal data is stored securely.
It is important to read this Privacy Policy of ours and we hope you will take the time and pay attention to it. We tried to make it as clear as possible and understandable to everyone, with the desire to maintain your full confidence in the way we handle your personal data.

If, after reading them, you have further questions about the protection of personal data or want to convey your ideas and recommendations to us, please contact us via the e-mail address

We regularly improve our Privacy Policy in order to improve the protection of your data. This Privacy Policy was updated on August 10, 2020.


Cesar Servisi d.o.o.
Nikola Tesla 9,
51000 Rijeka
OIB: 93511512521
Identity number: 05394201

Josip Pavić, member of the society
Nikola Pribanić, member of the society


The manager of the processing of your personal data is:
Nikola Pribanić


In order to maintain the functionality of the website and provide the services that visitors are looking for, this website in certain cases collects and processes personal data of visitors.

Although you can use our website without providing any personal information, after contacting us via our contact form or directly via our e-mail address, Cesar Servisi d.o.o. collects information about you.

The information you fill in (such as your first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number, organization, your website address) or send by direct e-mail message will be processed and stored so that we can contact you and respond to your request.

If you are under 16 years of age, you must provide the consent of your parents or the holder of parental responsibility before providing personal information.


Our websites use the so-called cookies – text files placed on your computer by the internet server you are using. The files are created when the browser on your computer or mobile device loads the visited web destination, which then sends data to the browser and creates a text file (cookie). The browser retrieves and sends the file to the server of the network destination (site, page) when the user returns to it.

Cookies are used for the functioning of all website features and a better user experience, and they can be temporary (they are stored only during a visit to the website) or permanent (they remain stored on the user’s computer even after the visit).

Third-party cookies are used by our website to obtain statistical data on visits and the way our website is used. The data that is collected includes the user’s IP address, information about the browser, language, operating system and other standard data that is collected and analyzed exclusively in anonymous and bulk form. Websites of Cesar Servisi d.o.o. they do not contain cookies that enable programs to run or install viruses on your computer.

Our website uses Google Analytics statistics, and you can find the third-party cookie policy at Google Analytics. We may occasionally collect data about how users use our website using other tools similar to Google Analytics. In accordance with your consent, Google analyzes your use of this site on our behalf, for the purpose of monitoring the interests of our site visitors for individual products from our offer. Information collected by Google in connection with your use of our website (e.g. starting URL, pages visited with us, web browser you used, your language settings, your computer system, which

ristili or display resolution) are transferred to a Google server in the USA, stored there, analyzed, and the result is made available to us in anonymous form. Data about your usage is not connected to your full IP address.

For further information, visit or

If you are concerned about cookies, most internet browsers allow you to disable cookies. You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above websites give you instructions on how to remove cookies from your browser and how to make full use of our websites.


When Cesar Servisi d.o.o. collects information about you, we ensure that your personal data is protected from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data that is transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. This is carried out through appropriate professional technical measures.

Cesar Servisi d.o.o. has implemented security measures to protect the personal information you share with us, including physical, electronic and procedural measures.

If you choose to contact us via the contact form on our website or directly by e-mail, none of the information you disclose will be stored on this website or transferred or processed by any third party. Instead, data is collected in the form of e-mail and delivered to us via Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Our SMTP servers are protected by the TLS protocol (sometimes known as SSL) which means that email content is encrypted using SHA-2, 256-bit cryptography before being sent over the Internet. Email content is decrypted by our local computers and devices.

We use the reference global platform for “cloud” services to ensure the highest data protection, both for our internal documentation and for your personal data, with your personal data stored securely on servers exclusively within the EU.


We process the collected data, as well as the data obtained on the basis of providing services to visitors and clients and in the performance of work with an individual client, for the purpose for which they were given, that is, for the purpose of using the content of our websites and providing the desired services and to provide you with information about products or services you may use.

Cesar Servisi d.o.o. uses the specified data to provide you with more efficient customer service, to facilitate the use of websites by eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same data, or to adapt websites to your personal preferences and interests.

Cesar Servisi d.o.o. does not sell, rent or lend the list of visitors to its pages to third parties

We cooperate with partners who help us provide and improve our services and make our direct communication with you more effective. We provide access to your personal data to authorized external processors for the purpose of processing personal data for our company based on our express instructions and through concluded contracts. These partners are obliged to strictly comply with the obligation of confidentiality in accordance with this Policy and with the contracts we have concluded with them and in accordance with the obligations from the General Data Protection Regulation. We have selected external processors who ensure the delivery of products and services, accounting and bookkeeping services, IT services and business application maintenance services, legal services and other services related to the subject of our company’s business, without which we would not be able to provide fulfilling our contractual obligations to you and providing you with a high level of quality of our services.

Giving access to data to other legal or natural persons is always limited to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data was collected. At the same time, we guarantee that as part of our personal data processing, they will not be transferred to third countries outside the European Union.


You are free to contact us at any time for the purpose of:

ACCESS to all personal data that Cesar Servisi d.o.o. collected about you,
CORRECTIONS of personal data that Cesar Servisi d.o.o. there is about you
DELETION of all personal data that Cesar Servisi d.o.o. collected about you,
LIMITATIONS on the processing of your personal data by Cesar Servisi d.o.o.,
OBJECTION to the processing of your personal data by Cesar Servisi d.o.o., or
REQUEST for your personal data that Cesar Servisi d.o.o. has, for the purpose of transfer to a third party.
If you want to use any of the aforementioned rights, feel free to send an inquiry via our contact form on the website or send an e-mail to and we will respond no later than the next working day, completely free of charge.


You can lodge a complaint directly with the competent supervisory authority at any time, in particular in the EU country where you have your usual residence, place of work or place of alleged infringement, if you believe that our processing of your personal data is not lawful.

The direct contacts of the Croatian national supervisory body are:

Fr. Grge Martić 14
HR – 10,000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4609 000
Fax: +385 1 4609 099


We would like to send you information about our services that may be of interest to you.

After we establish the first direct contact and after you submit your personal data via the contact form on our website, we will respond to your request and separately ask you for your consent for any further promotional activities towards you. We will not provide any promotional activity without your consent.

If we already have an established business cooperation, based on our legitimate interest, we retain the possibility of contacting you regarding news and possible ways of expanding our business cooperation.

You have the right to request the termination of any of our promotional activities at any time and we will fully respect your choice.


We will report any breach of personal data to AZOP as the competent supervisory body for data protection within 72 hours of the breach, if we determine that personal data has suffered a breach, and take all actions and measures to minimize possible consequences for your privacy.

We reserve the right to adjust and improve the text of this Privacy Policy from time to time, primarily in order to comply with legal changes, that is, changes in the purposes and methods of processing.

However, we will not limit your rights arising from this Privacy Policy or from the relevant legal regulations. In the event that there are changes to the rules that may affect your rights, we will notify you in a timely and direct manner in an appropriate manner.